My Books - The Aviary

The Aviary
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The Aviary

DS Malcolm Drummond, working in Fort William, is called to Glencoe in the dead of night, to work with his former Edinburgh superior, DI MacIain. Among a group of Glasgow police officers camping in the Lost Valley, their DI was brutally murdered.
Plenty of motives leave suspects galore, inside and out of the Valley. Especially when reclusive Nic is called in the Valley and even Malcolm's own brother arrives in Glencoe, Malcolm doesn't know who to trust anymore.

Ever since we visited The Lost Valley in 2010, I knew I had at least one story about the place. And this is it.
Written in record time and received positively by at least one (my proofreader). "Good book! A real page turner, couldn't put it down. ... And I didn't figure it out."

Following in this series:
The Memory of Pine - novel two
The Rampart Inside - novel three
A Song of Homeland - novel four

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